Woke up at 930, forgot about how my classes have all changed schedules so I had class at 10 today. RAN to class (which involves scaling a small mountain), and then waited 15 mintutes for my professor to show up. They told me that a) people would be late and b) no one goes to class. Both are true. The school is eerily empty. There were 6 people in my class. The prof thought I was polish. Then spent 2 hours in a semi entertaining but utterly useless lecture (no wonder no one comes).
Then I discovered that my computer no longer likes to connect to wifi. It cant find any IP addresses. For any network. The rest of the problem I dont understand because tech help is in spanish. I gather that they think it is because of my operating system. But it has been working for days, and now isnt. The same as the wifi I was stealing in my apartment.
Theres a party tonight, because its Carnaval in Santander, and u are supposed to dress like a superhero. I clearly dont have a costume, and spent all day going to useless class and trying unsuccessfully to fix the computer so I didnt go costume hunting with friends.
And, as per usual I am hungry and cold. I would say that at least it isnt raining, but that will probably change before I leave this building.
Ok I think I am done complaining. I keep writing these posts before noon meal, when I am dying of hunger. Hopefully I will be less grumpy after eating.
Sorry to hear you had such a stressful day. You definitely have the right to be a bit grumpy. The hunger thing would do me in. I hope things improve for you. Try to smile and have fun, enjoy the experience, good with the bad. I'll pray for more good. Love ya